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- ; $VER: Install 1.0 (09.12.95)
- (transcript "Installing EnvoyARexx...")
- ;
- ; Defaults
- ;
- (set librarydest "LIBS:")
- (set servicedest "SYS:")
- (set clidest "C:")
- (set rexxdest "REXX:")
- (set docdest "SYS:")
- ;
- ; String-definitions
- ;
- (set #WhichFiles (cat "Which files of the EnvoyARexx-package do you want to "
- "install on this Amiga? (Read the help-page for more "
- "information)"))
- (set #WhichFilesHlp (cat "envoyarexx.library: the client of the EnvoyARexx "
- "package. Only needed on those machines which want "
- "to connect to remote machines.\n\n"
- "envoyarexx.service: the server of the package. "
- "The server is required for machines which will "
- "be connected from remote clients.\n\n"
- "CLI commands: CLI equivalents of the envoyarexx.library's "
- "rexx-functions. Useful for batch-files. CLI commands "
- "require the envoyarexx.library.\n\n"
- "Rexx example: simple example of EnvoyARexx.\n\n"
- "Manual: documenation of EnvoyARexx."))
- (set #Library "envoyarexx.library")
- (set #Service "envoyarexx.service")
- (set #CLICommands "CLI commands")
- (set #Example "Rexx example script")
- (set #Manual "EnvoyARexx manual")
- (set #DoNothing "Thank you for using the EnvoyARexx installer... ;-)")
- (set #CLIMessage (cat "The CLI commands you chose to install require the "
- "envoyarexx.library. Thus, the library will be "
- "installed, too."))
- (set #LibraryDest (cat "Please select the path where to install "
- "the envoyarexx.library. No new drawer will be created."))
- (set #LibraryHelp (cat "No new drawer will be created for the library.\n\n"
- "Note that it's not absolutely required to place "
- "the library to LIBS:, as long as your scripts and "
- "applications are able to find this file somewhere else."))
- (set #InstallLib "Installing envoyarexx.library...")
- (set #ServiceDest (cat "Please select the path where the envoyarexx.service "
- "should be installed. No new drawer will be created."))
- (set #ServiceHelp (cat "No new drawer will be created for the service.\n\n"
- "You should copy the service into your Envoy/Services "
- "directory."))
- (set #InstallSvc "Installing envoyarexx.service...")
- (set #SvcMagicIcon "Do you want to install the MagicWB-icon of the service?")
- (set #CLIDest (cat "Please select the path where the EnvoyARexx CLI commands "
- "should be installed. No new drawer will be created."))
- (set #InstallCH "Installing CLI command 'ConnectHost'...")
- (set #InstallDCH "Installing CLI command 'DisConnectHost'...")
- (set #RexxDest (cat "Please select the path where the EnvoyARexx example "
- "scripts should be installed. No new drawer will be created."))
- (set #InstallRexx1 "Installing ARexx-script 'Example.earexx'...")
- (set #WhichManuals "Which documents should be installed?")
- (set #ManGuide "EnvoyARexx.guide")
- (set #ManDVI "EnvoyARexx.dvi")
- (set #DocDest (cat "Please select the path where the manual(s) "
- "should be installed. No new drawer will be created."))
- (set #DocWorking "Installing manual(s)...")
- (set #ByeTextSvc (cat "Please refer the manual for more information "
- "about EnvoyARexx.\n\nDon't forget to activate the "
- "newly installed service using Envoy's Services Manager."))
- (set #ByeText (cat "Please refer the manual for more information "
- "about EnvoyARexx."))
- ;
- ; Select which files to install
- ;
- (set cfiles (askoptions (prompt #WhichFiles)
- (help #WhichFilesHlp)
- (choices #Library
- #Service
- #CLICommands
- #Example
- #Manual
- )
- )
- )
- ;
- ; Exit if nothing was selected
- ;
- (if (= cfiles 0)
- ((message #DoNothing) (exit (quiet)))
- )
- ;
- ; Notify that CLI commands require the library (if selected)
- ;
- (if (and (<> 0 (bitand cfiles 4)) (= 0 (bitand cfiles 1)))
- (message (#CLIMessage))
- )
- ;
- ; Install the envoyarexx.library, if selected
- ;
- (if (or (<> 0 (bitand cfiles 1)) (<> 0 (bitand cfiles 4)))
- (
- (set librarydest
- (askdir
- (prompt #LibraryDest)
- (default librarydest)
- (help #LibraryHelp)
- )
- )
- (copylib
- (prompt #InstallLib)
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source "libs/envoyarexx.library") (dest librarydest)
- (confirm)
- )
- )
- )
- ;
- ; Install the service, if selected
- ;
- (if (<> 0 (bitand cfiles 2))
- (
- (set servicedest
- (askdir
- (prompt #ServiceDest)
- (default servicedest)
- (help #ServiceHelp)
- )
- )
- (copylib
- (prompt #InstallSvc)
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source "services/envoyarexx.service") (dest servicedest)
- (confirm)
- (infos)
- )
- (set magicicon
- (askbool
- (prompt #SvcMagicIcon)
- (help " ")
- )
- )
- (if (= 1 magicicon)
- (
- (copyfiles
- (source "icons/envoyarexx.service.info") (dest servicedest)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ;
- ; Install the CLI command, if selected
- ;
- (if (<> 0 (bitand cfiles 4))
- (
- (set clidest
- (askdir
- (prompt #CLIDest)
- (default clidest)
- (help @askdir-help)
- )
- )
- (copylib
- (prompt #InstallCH)
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source "c/ConnectHost") (dest clidest)
- (confirm)
- )
- (copylib
- (prompt #InstallDCH)
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source "c/DisConnectHost") (dest clidest)
- (confirm)
- )
- )
- )
- ;
- ; Copy the example ARexx-script(s), if selected
- ;
- (if (<> 0 (bitand cfiles 8))
- (
- (set rexxdest
- (askdir
- (prompt #RexxDest)
- (default rexxdest)
- (help @askdir-help)
- )
- )
- (copylib
- (prompt #InstallRexx1)
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source "rexx/Example.earx") (dest rexxdest)
- (confirm)
- (infos)
- )
- )
- )
- ;
- ; Copy the manual, if selected
- ;
- (if (<> 0 (bitand cfiles 16))
- (
- (set cman (askoptions (prompt #WhichManuals)
- (help @askoptions-help)
- (choices #ManGuide
- #ManDVI
- )
- (default 1)
- )
- )
- (if (<> cman 0)
- (
- (set docdest
- (askdir
- (prompt #DocDest)
- (default docdest)
- (help @askdir-help)
- )
- )
- (if (<> 0 (bitand cman 1))
- (copyfiles
- (prompt #DocWorking)
- (source "Docs/EnvoyARexx.guide") (dest docdest)
- (infos)
- )
- )
- (if (<> 0 (bitand cman 2))
- (copyfiles
- (prompt #DocWorking)
- (source "Docs/EnvoyARexx.dvi") (dest docdest)
- (infos)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (if (<> 0 (bitand cfiles 2))
- (exit #ByeTextSvc)
- (exit #ByeText)
- )